Saturday, April 5, 2014

Day 5 Friday Cont... 2014

Well, we said so long to Sonrise and Musanze today. The construction team was pleased to be able to remove the forms from the newly poured concrete support columns. With the completion of the block walls, the buzz onsite began to quiet. We spent much of the morning collecting our tools so they could be dropped off at the vocational school. This donation will greatly help provide the education local Rwandans need to work and contribute not only to their families but to the community as well. We enjoyed some time of fellowship with our friends as we wrapped up. We presented a bible to our brother in Christ, Aloys. Aloys is a senior this year at Sonrise School. Orphaned after the Genocide, he has been at Sonrise for 15 years. Leader of his student body and a fine Christian man, he has been such a blessing to us over the years. We continue to pray for him as he faces a new crossroad in his life. He told me he has faith in God and knows his needs will be met. We said our farewells and left Sonrise with reflection.
With Praise
Forms off 
Sonrise construction sight on Friday
Matt packing up
God bless you Aloys!
Goodbye for now
Back to the hotel to pack and load the bus for Kigali. Once in Kigali, we visited the Genocide Memorial. The story was told and illustrated very well. Disturbing as well as sobering as we realize the depth of satans persistent force. We pray for the nation of Rwanda and the thousands of lives that were forever changed.

Dinner at Republica

Memorial in Kigali
Outside Memorial

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