Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Day 2- Tuesday 2014

Tuesday was a wonderful day here in Rwanda! The Lord  blessed us with very nice cool weather today. Breakfast and prayer time was special...often we don't realize that the things that happen in our lives whether good or bad, happen for a reason...and the impact reaches deep within our souls. It is through these things that we become closer to The Lord. So, as we began our day here today we reflected on those times we will never forget, and realized just how much God uses people, places and times to point our hearts toward him. 

We began the day at Maya. Over 300 children greeted us and their choir led us in worship including much dancing. The story and drama of Noah were told and presented. A zebra, elephant, ostrich and lion then told the story of creation, the fall and Jesus. Gifts of balls, bubbles, and crayons were presented to the parish.

Before we left the preschool received their eggs after reciting the Lord's Prayer.

The Children at Maya
Kristen and Elsa with the children at Maya

Watching the story of Noah

Worshipping Jesus

Elsa with our lunch

Finished product of making Jewelry

Elizabeth teaching how to quilt on a sewing machine


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