In closing, we want to share with you about the phenomenal power of Christ that filled the hearts and minds of the pastors this past week. With provision and guidance, the Lord led His men as they taught the scriptures and the doctrines of grace to the Rwandan pastors who were humble and hungry to know God’s word. These fine men of Rwanda were so eager to learn and to know how they themselves, could better teach and serve their people. The dialog about the sovereignty of God and how they could hold on to it encouraged these pastors. Bowing submissively to Gods supreme authority, the Rwandan pastors find the confidence they need to share the comfort of God’s providence in a country that has so recently been ravaged by the Genocide - with sensitivity and gentleness. We witnessed these pastors of Rwanda singing their laments. One such song, movingly declared, “We kneel before You in our sadness”. Oh to see them pray and weep, as we wept with them, flooded our souls with the Light of Christ.
We were enriched by these impoverished pastors who “having nothing, possess everything” and “though poor, make many rich” (2 Cor. 6:10). Romans8:28 and the God-ordained sufferings of Joseph, Job, and especially Jesus - these truths brought comfort to the pastors who in turn will comfort others with the same comfort they received from the God of all comfort (2 Cor. 1:3-4).
Through translation, they absorbed God's word each day. Beginning early morning and dismissing very late in the afternoon these sessions continued throughout the week. The Rwandan pastors returned day after day with vigor, asking deep and thoughtful questions. Chris Treat, with his church planting experience, was just what these men needed in sessions about developing Christian education strategies and new outreaches to their communities. Gary Clowers taught Old Testament to students who devoured his every word. The Holy Spirit is at work in Rwanda!
We applaud and thank each of these Godly men - Chris Treat, Gary Clowers and Paul Husband. Their labor in the name of Christ reached deep and it reached far.
The entire team Rwanda 2014, praise and thank God for our congregation at IPC. You, our family in Christ, our friends, teachers and loved ones are dear to our hearts. We thank you, we love you and could not have done this without the power of your prayers. We so appreciate you generous support, words of encouragement warm embraces upon our safe return.
Let us not forget the work the Lord has done over these past four years in Rwanda. With thankful hearts pray for the Rwandans. We pray they will build upon the love of Jesus and mindfully walk in His light one day at a time.
To God be the glory!