Sunday, March 30, 2014

We've Arrived!!!

We have landed safely at the Kigali Airport! 
So happy to be here!

We were met by dear friends at the 
Kigali Airport upon arriving

Packing up the luggage
before driving 2 hours to Musanze

Below are pictures of our layover in Chicago.

Meet "Elsa" the turkey.  Former Rwanda team member(2012/2013), Allison Coates, teaches Kindergarten. Her  classroom made sock puppets for the team to use in Rwanda this year. They will be following Elsa's journey through Rwanda, therefore you will be seeing several pictures of Elsa throughout the blog!
'Elsa' enjoying some Chicago style pizza. 


  1. Yeah!! So glad you all made it safely to Kigali. Praying for safe travels to Musanzee and a good nights rest for the whole team. Know you are each being prayed for and so thankful Philip found his phone!
    Looking forward to seeing you all in pictures!!
    Love, Susan

  2. Ya'll look wonderful! I know you are glad to be there and hopefully getting some sleep! Tomorrow will be an exciting day!
