After morning devotional, we sorted and organized all the supplies so generously donated, then headed to the cathedral for Rwandan teacher training. We were treated to the Rwandan version of
"If You're Happy and You Know It Clap You Hands".
Sam had a HALLELUJAH moment when she got exactly the number of translators necessary for the 6-12 year old VBS.
Allison and her team of preschool VBS teachers. Chuck, Kathy and Ann experienced the presence of God in His word training teachers for the purity seminar.
According to our schedule there have been setbacks with timing, locations, classrooms and teachers. According to God's plan, we are experiencing miracles and provision on a minute by minute basis. Please continue to pray for eyes, ears and hearts open to what He would have us do.
While you sleep in the wee hours we will load on a bus to take mini VBS's to more rural locations. We will need prayer to accomplish singing, recreation, a Bible story and craft for 400-700 in an hour and a half on two different mountains. So many children (and mama's) will come to hear the story of Joseph.
We ask for prayer for that story to be more about God's love a than the novelty of the white people presenting it.
Ann Seiler with her Go Go Joseph drama team |
Thank you for joining us in the Spirit who is among us all.